Sunday, May 28, 2023

 Week 23 - There's More to The Story!

Today I'd like to share some words with you about two prayers that Paul has for the Ephesians believers.  Remember that Ephesians was one of the "Prison Epistles" that Paul wrote while he was in prison in Rome at the end of his life.  And in this letter of care and compassion he has a couple of prayers that are just so wonderful that I wanted to share with them to show Paul's great concern for the people in the church he planted in Ephesus.  Enjoy!

And our song is by Alisa Turner, This is my prayer for you.  Enjoy and let the words roll over you!

Friday, May 26, 2023

 Week 23 - Sunday Preview!

We're looking at the story of Peter and Cornelius today as background for Paul preaching to the Gentiles.  It's a massive shift that happens in the book of Acts, when the focus of the church goes from focusing exclusively to the Jewish Christians and to the Gentiles, which carried Paul on a 15,000 mile journey to the Gentiles.  It's just another piece in the story of Paul's mission and ministry.  So listen in!

And here's a great song, No Longer Slaves to Fear - Enjoy and sing along!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

     Week 22 - There's More to The Story!

We're on Paul's Mission and  Ministry and today I want to run through a couple chapters of Acts that take place before Paul's conversion in Acts chapter 9.  It's the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch, which is a fascinating story about the development in the early church about the ministry beyond the Jewish Christians.  Hope you enjoy the insights!

And here's a wonderful old song, The Heart of Worship.  Enjoy and sing along!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

 Week 22 - Sunday Preview!    

This week we're on Chapter 29 of The Story and looking at Paul's mission and ministry to the Gentiles.  Today's Preview is just a brief overview of Paul's ministry as told in the book of the Acts of the Apostles.  And on Sunday we'll look more at both the very beginning and the very ending of Paul's ministry.  Lots of material to cover these days, so the next two weeks will be a bird's eye view!

And here's another enthusiastic Phil Wickham song, Hymn of Heaven.  No written lyrics, but a great song to listen to!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

 Week 21 - There's More to The Story!

We're on New Beginnings, and the letters of Paul.  Today I want to share with you some insights into the context of the writing of Ephesians, and how Paul says that we are "holy and blameless."  That is especially interesting as he was writing to the people of Ephesus, which was Sin City on steroids!  To be holy and blameless was quite a statement he made to them as they turned their lives to Christ and away from all the immorality of the community in which they lived.  Listen in!

And we sing this song in church, but it's a great reminds that it's not me, but it's through Christ IN me.  Sing along!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

 Week 21 - Sunday Preview!

Today we start to look at the beginnings of the early church after the Day of Pentecost, and what characterized the spread of Christianity from those small beginnings at the church of Jerusalem to the ends of the earth!  Today, as a preview of how the early church developed, I'd like to tell you the story of the healing of a paralyzed man who lay at the Beautiful Gate in Jerusalem.  It's a fascinating introduction to the ministry of John and Peter.  Here's the video:

And I love this song about the Goodness of God.  Listen in and sing along!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

 Week 20 - There's More to The Story!

Today we talk about Doubting Thomas, having faith, and overcoming doubts.  Jesus appeared to toe disciples, though Thomas wasn't with them.  But when Jesus appeared again, Thomas was with them and he came to a new level of faith when he said, "My Lord and My God."  Let's think about Thomas and what we can learn from him.  Listen in:

And here's Resurrection Power by Chris Tomlin.  Enjoy and sing along!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

 Week 20 - Sunday Preview!    

On Sunday we talk about the resurrection of Jesus!  Last week we were with Jesus on the cross - this week we're with Jesus and the disciples at the empty tomb.  And in this video, I'd like to share with you some empty things at the resurrection of Jesus that really brings new life and promise!  Instead of empty promises, there are three empty things that bring promise and hope.  So - listen in!

And I can never get enough of this song - and I hope you like listening to You Raise Me Up one more time!

  Week 24 - There's More to The Story! We end our year long journey through the Bible with some words from John/Jesus to the church of E...